Source code for tensorpack.dataflow.imgaug.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File:

import os
import inspect
import pprint
from collections import namedtuple
import weakref

from ...utils.argtools import log_once
from ...utils.utils import get_rng
from ...utils.develop import deprecated
from ..image import check_dtype

# Cannot import here if we want to keep backward compatibility.
# Because this causes circular dependency
# from .transform import TransformList, PhotometricTransform, TransformFactory

__all__ = ['Augmentor', 'ImageAugmentor', 'AugmentorList', 'PhotometricAugmentor']

def _reset_augmentor_after_fork(aug_ref):
    aug = aug_ref()
    if aug:

def _default_repr(self):
    Produce something like:
    "imgaug.MyAugmentor(field1={self.field1}, field2={self.field2})"

    It assumes that the instance `self` contains attributes that match its constructor.
    classname = type(self).__name__
    argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(self.__init__)
    assert argspec.varargs is None, "The default __repr__ in {} doesn't work for varargs!".format(classname)
    assert argspec.varkw is None, "The default __repr__ in {} doesn't work for kwargs!".format(classname)
    defaults = {}

    fields = argspec.args[1:]
    defaults_pos = argspec.defaults
    if defaults_pos is not None:
        for f, d in zip(fields[::-1], defaults_pos[::-1]):
            defaults[f] = d

    for k in argspec.kwonlyargs:
        if k in argspec.kwonlydefaults:
            defaults[k] = argspec.kwonlydefaults[k]

    argstr = []
    for f in fields:
        assert hasattr(self, f), \
            "Attribute {} in {} not found! Default __repr__ only works if " \
            "the instance has attributes that match the constructor.".format(f, classname)
        attr = getattr(self, f)
        if f in defaults and attr is defaults[f]:
        argstr.append("{}={}".format(f, pprint.pformat(attr)))
    return "imgaug.{}({})".format(classname, ', '.join(argstr))

ImagePlaceholder = namedtuple("ImagePlaceholder", ["shape"])

[docs]class ImageAugmentor(object): """ Base class for an augmentor ImageAugmentor should take images of type uint8 in range [0, 255], or floating point images in range [0, 1] or [0, 255]. Attributes: rng: a numpy :class:`RandomState` """ def __init__(self): self.reset_state() # only available on Unix after Python 3.7 if hasattr(os, 'register_at_fork'): os.register_at_fork( after_in_child=lambda: _reset_augmentor_after_fork(weakref.ref(self))) def _init(self, params=None): if params: for k, v in params.items(): if k != 'self' and not k.startswith('_'): setattr(self, k, v)
[docs] def reset_state(self): """ Reset rng and other state of the augmentor. Similar to :meth:`DataFlow.reset_state`, the caller of Augmentor is responsible for calling this method (once or more times) in the **process that uses the augmentor** before using it. If you use a built-in augmentation dataflow (:class:`AugmentImageComponent`, etc), this method will be called in the dataflow's own `reset_state` method. If you use Python≥3.7 on Unix, this method will be automatically called after fork, and you do not need to bother calling it. """ self.rng = get_rng(self)
def _rand_range(self, low=1.0, high=None, size=None): """ Generate uniform float random number between low and high using `self.rng`. """ if high is None: low, high = 0, low if size is None: size = [] return self.rng.uniform(low, high, size).astype("float32") def __str__(self): try: return _default_repr(self) except AssertionError as e: log_once(e.args[0], 'warn') return super(Augmentor, self).__repr__() __repr__ = __str__
[docs] def get_transform(self, img): """ Instantiate a :class:`Transform` object to be used given the input image. Subclasses should implement this method. The :class:`ImageAugmentor` often has random policies which generate deterministic transform. Any of those random policies should happen inside this method and instantiate an actual deterministic transform to be performed. The returned :class:`Transform` object should perform deterministic transforms through its :meth:`apply_*` method. In this way, the returned :class:`Transform` object can be used to transform not only the input image, but other images or coordinates associated with the image. Args: img (ndarray): see notes of this class on the requirements. Returns: Transform """ # This should be an abstract method # But we provide an implementation that uses the old interface, # for backward compatibility log_once("The old augmentor interface was deprecated. " "Please implement {} with `get_transform` instead!".format(self.__class__.__name__), "warning") def legacy_augment_coords(self, coords, p): try: return self._augment_coords(coords, p) except AttributeError: pass try: return self.augment_coords(coords, p) except AttributeError: pass return coords # this is the old default p = None # the default return value for this method try: p = self._get_augment_params(img) except AttributeError: pass try: p = self.get_augment_params(img) except AttributeError: pass from .transform import BaseTransform, TransformFactory if isinstance(p, BaseTransform): # some old augs return Transform already return p return TransformFactory(name="LegacyConversion -- " + str(self), apply_image=lambda img: self._augment(img, p), apply_coords=lambda coords: legacy_augment_coords(self, coords, p))
[docs] def augment(self, img): """ Create a transform, and apply it to augment the input image. This can save you one line of code, when you only care the augmentation of "one image". It will not return the :class:`Transform` object to you so you won't be able to apply the same transformation on other data associated with the image. Args: img (ndarray): see notes of this class on the requirements. Returns: img: augmented image. """ check_dtype(img) t = self.get_transform(img) return t.apply_image(img)
# ########################### # Legacy interfaces: # ###########################
[docs] @deprecated("Please use `get_transform` instead!", "2020-06-06", max_num_warnings=3) def augment_return_params(self, d): t = self.get_transform(d) return t.apply_image(d), t
[docs] @deprecated("Please use `transform.apply_image` instead!", "2020-06-06", max_num_warnings=3) def augment_with_params(self, d, param): return param.apply_image(d)
[docs] @deprecated("Please use `transform.apply_coords` instead!", "2020-06-06", max_num_warnings=3) def augment_coords(self, coords, param): return param.apply_coords(coords)
[docs]class AugmentorList(ImageAugmentor): """ Augment an image by a list of augmentors """
[docs] def __init__(self, augmentors): """ Args: augmentors (list): list of :class:`ImageAugmentor` instance to be applied. """ assert isinstance(augmentors, (list, tuple)), augmentors self.augmentors = augmentors super(AugmentorList, self).__init__()
[docs] def reset_state(self): """ Will reset state of each augmentor """ super(AugmentorList, self).reset_state() for a in self.augmentors: a.reset_state()
[docs] def get_transform(self, img): check_dtype(img) assert img.ndim in [2, 3], img.ndim from .transform import LazyTransform, TransformList # The next augmentor requires the previous one to finish. # So we have to use LazyTransform tfms = [] for idx, a in enumerate(self.augmentors): if idx == 0: t = a.get_transform(img) else: t = LazyTransform(a.get_transform) if isinstance(t, TransformList): tfms.extend(t.tfms) else: tfms.append(t) return TransformList(tfms)
def __str__(self): repr_each_aug = ",\n".join([" " + repr(x) for x in self.augmentors]) return "imgaug.AugmentorList([\n{}])".format(repr_each_aug) __repr__ = __str__
Augmentor = ImageAugmentor """ Legacy name. Augmentor and ImageAugmentor are now the same thing. """
[docs]class PhotometricAugmentor(ImageAugmentor): """ A base class for ImageAugmentor which only affects pixels. Subclass should implement `_get_params(img)` and `_impl(img, params)`. """
[docs] def get_transform(self, img): p = self._get_augment_params(img) from .transform import PhotometricTransform return PhotometricTransform(func=lambda img: self._augment(img, p), name="from " + str(self))
def _get_augment_params(self, _): return None